By Aurora DeRose
3 min readSep 29, 2020

American Expert with….

Veteran Bankruptcy Attorney, Charles Daff

Q: We are talking to famous, veteran bankruptcy attorney, Charles Daff. You are one of the most premier bankruptcy attorney’s in the most interesting time in American life. Where were you born?

I was born in Cleveland, Ohio.

Q: Where were you educated?

I was fortunate enough to attend California State University Fullerton for my Bachelor’s and got my Law Degree from Western State University Fullerton, California.

Q: How long have you been a practicing attorney.

42 years.

Q: Has your practicing area always been bankruptcy?

It has been, yes.

Q: At 42 years, you are very experienced and have seen a lot of trends come and go over the last 4 decades. What are some of the trends you have witnessed pertaining bankruptcy?

Well I reflect upon my experience not only as a bankruptcy attorney, but also as a Chapter 7 Panel Trustee in Los Angeles and the trends are all the credit beginnings in the 90’s, the .com burst in the early 2000’s, the Great Recession in 2008, and here we are in 2020 looking at uncertain economic times.

Q: Now, in this pandemic you have many people coming to you. Bankruptcy attorneys are very popular now unfortunately. What are some of the most popular questions your clients are asking you right now?

“Will I keep my house? What will happen? Will there be deference? Will the forbearance be expired? What is going to happen when my Care Act money stops?” For business owners, they ask, “What will happen to my DPP money that I used to protect my employees?

Q: Will you be willing to say Charles that currently in this pandemic the fear level is as great or greater than it has ever before.

It is Michael and the uncertainty of what will happen next. People wonder, “Will the career I have always had continue? What else will I be facing with this pandemic?”

Q: Charles, what do you do as an attorney and as a good human being to try and reassure people? How do you offer them advice, encouragement, or love during this difficult time?

Well, I first listen to them to express themselves and their fears. I then provide them with legal alternatives so that they feel secure and peaceful with the decisions they will have to make at this present moment and in the future.

Q: General speaking, has it been your experience that people who have never filed for bankruptcy are unduly fearful of the process than they need to be?

Yes. The bankruptcy code is prepped for times we are facing now and it is designed for those persons, consumers and business, who are honest, unfortunate, and need immediate release from creditors.

Q: Charles, if someone reading this interview from all over the world is interested in getting information about you and some of your career work, where should they best go?

My website is and my email is My phone number is 657–218–4800. People can feel free to give me a call or an email.

Q: What are the ways a person who can establish an ethical bankruptcy attorney versus someone who is just not somebody they should chase?

I like to look at it as an attorney who files bankruptcy cases who is a scholar rather than an outer. It is really an art and a practice to bring clients to the court and follow the rules of the court rather than slapdash forms together and file them. Giving clients and consumers the information that allows them to make intelligent decisions is best. It is more than filling out a questionnaire and paperwork.

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