Ask the Experts Interviews Brian Biro: Redefining Leadership and Teamwork for a New Era of Excellence
Brian Biro’s career exemplifies the power of transformation and inspiration. As America’s #1 Breakthrough Speaker, he has dedicated his life to helping individuals and organizations unlock their full potential. Biro’s journey is a testament to resilience, purpose, and the pursuit of excellence, from coaching competitive swimming to leading transformative business initiatives and delivering life-changing motivational speeches. This conversation explores the pivotal experiences and lessons that have defined his remarkable path.
Question: What inspired you to transition from coaching swimming to becoming a motivational speaker? How have these experiences shaped who you are today?
ANSWER: I’ve actually had three wonderful careers. I absolutely loved being a swim coach and working with so many terrific young people. I realized that I didn’t really coach swimming…I coached people. It was really about helping them breakthrough their fears, doubts, obstacles, and habits so they could have confidence in themselves and rise to their potential. I would probably still be a swim coach were it not that I had no life outside of coaching. I only knew myself as a coach. I had no family nor any prospects to build one. So, I’m probably one of the only people you know who chose to go to graduate school to get a life instead of a job! And so, my second career began as I moved into the corporate world. I ended up becoming a vice president of a large transportation company. In that role, I ignited my passion for team building. Our company was siloed like so many are. Operations didn’t like sales. Sales didn’t like ops. And both didn’t like the home office even more! This made no sense to me because those siloes kept us from building synergy and momentum. So, I asked the CEO if I could travel to all of our locations and present a teambuilding seminar. He gave me the go, and within one year of delivering these dozen presentations, our company had produced a tremendous turnaround. We quadrupled in revenues, became quite profitable, added many jobs, and rose to the top of our industry for customer service and convenience, according to Transportation World magazine. But, best of all, we became a fantastic team. Each functional group fully supported the others. Blame was replaced by appreciation, and we discovered a whole new level of success. At the very peak of this turnaround, I said to my wife, “Honey, we’re doing great. Let’s quit! I want to speak and teach seminars on team building and breaking through full-time. It’s what I’ve been put on this earth to do!” That was 35 years ago, and I have cherished every moment since then as a professional speaker and author. In each of those careers, the common element was a love of people and a belief that our most important job is to help others believe in themselves and in one another.
Question: Can you share the moment or experience that made you realize motivational speaking was your calling?
ANSWER: When I delivered those teambuilding seminars for my own company, I knew that this was work I loved with a passion. The seminar began with a story of breakthrough transformation about one of the swimmers I had coached for eight years. It’s a wonderful, emotional, inspiring story, and I could feel the impact it had on so many. And I realized that though I was speaking to transportation professionals about their work and becoming a thriving team, stories about our lives, our families, and our own breakthroughs had tremendous application and meaning. I was hooked because when I spoke, I felt such extraordinary energy and fulfillment that I was doing the work I was here to do.
Question: As a former swimming coach, what lessons from coaching athletes have influenced your work with business professionals and teams?
ANSWER: One of the first key lessons is that mindset, focus, confidence, and energy are more important than talent. I also learned that what we focus on is what we create. It was uncanny how often my swimmers would achieve their goal times to the hundredth of a second. I learned that as a coach, it is important to stay away from comparing those you lead to each other. Comparison to others tears away confidence and separates rather than supports. My mentor, the great coach John Wooden of UCLA basketball, defined success as peace of mind from knowing you’ve given the best of which you’re capable. In other words, focus on what you put IN, and great things will come out. I learned that if you’re not INspired, you’re on the way to being EXpired. I learned that business is a team sport. If you ask most people about swimming, they would describe it as an individual sport. They could not be more mistaken. Every single day, I saw the truth. When my swimmers supported each other, it was as if they were being swept ahead faster, as if a powerful current was pushing them forward. And when they separated, when they came from a place of ego instead of WE GO, it was as if they turned and had to swim into that current, slowing them down and wearing them out. The same is true in business. When we appreciate our teammates, when we embrace our differences, as long as we are aimed at the same outcome, we become unstoppable. Finally, I learned that great leaders give credit and take responsibility. It’s amazing what’s accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit.
Question: You achieved extraordinary results in your leadership roles, such as VP of Performance Planning. What leadership principles were key to your success?
ANSWER: Perhaps the most important principle that helped our team breakthrough is called the Pygmalion Effect. The Pygmalion Effects says that our thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and desired outcomes are magnetic. In other words, as we look upon our teammates, not only do we see them, but we actually pull them in the direction in which we see them. So, when we look for the best in others and focus on their strengths, potential, effort, energy, and attitude, we have the greatest capacity to build those people, teams, and relationships. When we become easy to impress but hard to offend, we create a recipe for breakthrough leadership.
Question: What do you believe defines a truly great leader in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world?
ANSWER: First, it is crucial to be truly humble. Unfortunately, many people are coming to believe that humility is somehow weak and soft… that you can’t be confident if you’re humble. That could not be farther from the truth. You can be very confident and very humble, because being humble doesn’t mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself LESS! But the essential reason why humility is so vital to great leadership is this: Only those who are humble are life-long learners. Only those who are humble would rather be wrong and learn from it than to pretend they are always right. Only those who are humble focus on their character rather than their reputation, for your character is who you are. Your reputation is only what others think you are. So, humility is number one. The second key to defining any great leader is presence. When you are fully present with others, you send an unmistakable message beyond words that they are important. That is our job number one as leaders: to help those we lead, serve, and love to KNOW they are important, that they truly matter. The only way you can deliver that message unmistakably and unshakably is to be fully present. Finally, the third and most surprising key to being a great leader in today’s fast-paced world is to ask more than tell…to become a master asker! When you ask more than tell, you help your team members think for themselves, discover solutions, and feel valued. Today, great leadership is more about questions than answers!
Question: Team-building is a cornerstone of your work. What is the most impactful team-building activity or principle you’ve shared?
ANSWER: I am known as America’s Breakthrough Speaker because my keynotes and presentations end with the most memorable, exciting, and impactful team-building experience of all. I have all of my participants breakthrough inch-thick wooden boards karate-style. When we hear, we forget. When we SEE, we’re more likely to remember. When we DO, we UNDERSTAND!
It is the ultimate breakthrough metaphor because everyone writes down on their wooden board something they truly want to breakthrough in their life — a limit, fear, obstacle, habit, or doubt. It is the meaning they give to their breakthrough metaphor that creates the power in the experience. On the other side of the board, the participants get to be visionaries and to shape their future. They get to write down what’s waiting for them when they’ve broken through!
The process of teaching board breaking teaches people how to be their best when their best is called for and teaches them about balance — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It teaches them about real teamwork — so crucial to your business — because people are clapping and cheering as never before. The unconditional support is AMAZING. So, if you picture a room of 200 people there are 20 circles of 10 people each and one individual in each circle who holds the board for each participant. Everyone is clapping and cheering your name! The place is shaking, energy is soaring, and music is pounding. And when each person breaks his or her board, it is such a moment of clarity and focus and celebration! For many people, it’s the first time they’ve ever had a room full of people cheering for them ever in their lives. Every single participant emerges with a clear understanding of their Breakthrough Leadership potential!
Question: You’ve worked with organizations across various industries. What is the most surprising or unexpected insight you’ve gained from these experiences?
ANSWER: The most important insights I’ve gained from working with organizations from virtually every industry are really more confirmations than surprises of two beliefs I developed as a young coach. First is that there are no overachievers. After over 1,900 presentations, I am still constantly astounded by people and how much we have inside of ourselves when we move from fear to freedom. Every single day, we can learn, grow, give, and breakthrough. When I look at the faces of my participants as they breakthrough their wooden boards, I see such magnificent possibility, such courage, energy, and emotion. And I see that those gifts are in every one of us. Second, I am constantly reminded and inspired by the simple truth that we will do more for others than we will do for ourselves. As much as each participant relishes their own breakthroughs, so often the most impact for everyone in the room is when someone else breaks through. Whenever we seek to enrich another’s experience, we can’t help but enrich our own. Replace siloes with synergy and everyone soars to new heights!
Question: How do you keep your presentations fresh and relevant, especially for organizations that invite you back repeatedly?
ANSWER: Over time, I have come to believe ever stronger in the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Superstar! As the years have moved along, organizations want more impact in less time. Presentations I used to do in three hours now must be delivered in one hour. So, I’ve learned to say more in less time and to realize the participants will actually gain more they can put into practice when I keep it simple. It’s also crucial if I am to keep fresh and relevant to be a passionate life-long learner. To listen, study, read, and open to new ideas, new insights, and new stories. I also realize that were I to deliver the same presentation to the same audience six months to a year after they attended the first, they will all have a new and different experience. That is because they are constantly growing and changing themselves. Things that grabbed them in the first presentation have made their mark, so the second or third time there are fresh openings for concepts, ideas, and ‘ahas’ to find their footing. Finally, when I first began speaking over thirty years ago, most all of my events were at least one full day and often three or four days. So, I have a ton of material that I’ve learned and delivered over those many years now at my disposal to use when fitting. Most of all, the key to staying relevant is to customize my presentations through interviewing my clients in advance of the event to learn about their desired outcomes, about the team and their state of mind, and about what their theme and focus is all about. In this way, every single presentation is unique and personal for each audience.
Question: What is the first step you recommend to help someone who feels stuck or uninspired reach their potential?
ANSWER: When our compelling why, our passionate purpose is strong enough, we will figure out how. When most of us feel stuck or that we’re not performing as we wish, we usually immediately think it’s about strategy or tactics. But the most powerful source of energy is PURPOSE. So, I would encourage anyone who feels stuck or uninspired to refocus on three ‘controllables’. First, to shape their future. This is about vision and becoming clear that what you focus on is what you CREATE. So, ask yourself honestly, “What are you focusing on?” Odds are you’ve been focusing more on what you don’t want than what you do. Your vision is your choice. So, pivot and focus on what you truly want. The second controllable is to energize and engage yourself. This is crucial. Just like your vision your energy is your choice. Break out of the comfort zone (which has likely become a confinement zone) regarding your energy level by changing the way you move, by beginning each day with gratitude, and by releasing your ‘energy vampires.’ These are the people around you who seem to such the energy out of you. Realize that no one can take away your energy and power without your permission. It’s not their energy! And anyone can take away your energy when you give them permission. Finally, shift your focus from ego to We Go. Recognize that we will do more for others than we will often do for ourselves and begin to look for more ways to serve others. As Mother Teresa said, “Service is love in action.” And, remember, whenever you seek to enrich others experiences, you can’t help but enrich your own.
Question: Looking back on your career, what achievement are you most proud of?
ANSWER: That’s an easy one. I’m most proud of my family, my wife and my two daughters. My signature line on every email reads:
Brian Biro
Husband, father, grandfather
Speaker, author
America’s Breakthrough Speaker
I love my family more than life itself. And, I find that when I keep my priorities clear, I am more present with everyone both personally and professionally.
Question: If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
ANSWER: I would teach myself to become easy to impress and hard to offend. It was always my nature to be easy to impress. By this, I mean it is natural for me to look for the best in others. But, the lesson to be hard to offend has taken far too many years to take hold. When you are hard to offend, you don’t take so much personally. You move from defensiveness to openness and growth. And you stop comparing yourself to others to know who you are.
Question: How would you like to be remembered — both as a professional and as an individual?
ANSWER: I have often thought that in life it is so important to start with the end in mind. A fun and powerful way to do this is to ask, “When my life is complete, what three words would I most hope to be remembered for as having truly lived and exemplified?” For me, those three words would be:
Kind …. Energized …. Present. To me, as I live these three words both personally and professionally, I will have the greatest impact on others and will achieve true peace of mind knowing I’ve given the best of which I’m capable.
Brian Biro’s journey is a testament to the transformative potential within each of us. From coaching young swimmers to inspiring global business leaders, his unwavering belief in the power of breakthroughs has touched countless lives. His insights on leadership, teamwork, and purpose challenge us to embrace humility, ignite our passions, and unlock the extraordinary possibilities within.
As America’s #1 Breakthrough Speaker, Biro continues to inspire individuals and organizations to breakthrough their limitations and achieve their fullest potential. His message is clear: when we focus on purpose, foster synergy, and uplift others, we create a ripple effect of positive change. Whether in sports, business, or life, the principles Biro embodies remind us that we all have the power to achieve greatness by breaking through to the best version of ourselves.