American Experts with Superstar Realtor Danny Brown:

By Aurora DeRose
4 min readDec 19, 2019


By: Aurora DeRose, PhD

Danny Brown — Luxury realtor, host of “The Deal with Danny Brown” podcast

Danny Brown has been an anchor of luxury real estate in Los Angeles since 2002. Danny represents luxury clients on the Westside of Los Angeles specializing in Beverly Hills, Bel-Air/Holmby Hills, Little Holmby, Cheviot Hills, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, and Malibu.

Danny is the host of “The Deal with Danny Brown” podcast, where he invites on leaders and influencers in real estate, finance, entertainment, sports, technology and beyond to share life lessons and advice.

Question: We will be talking about you and your podcast is that acceptable?

Danny: Yes.

Question: Where were you born?

Danny: Los Angeles CA.

Question: So you’re a hometown boy and you went to high school. Where did you got to college?

Danny: I went to college at USC.

Question: You really are committed to LA, fair enough. Moving along, you made it as a highly successful veteran realtor working at the Compass Real Estate firm. Most of your work is on the westside of LA with highly affluent clients and yet you made a decision. In addition to active work life, you’re married with 3 children so spare time is not something you have a massive amount of but nonetheless you made a decision to do something you have been wanting to do, namely this podcast. What animated your decision and chose to do this with a busy schedule?

Danny: I’ve been passionate about working on a podcast for the last couple years and at the same time producing my own podcast because I thought it would be a great outlet and platform to broadcast what I do and the relationships I have and that is what brought me get a podcast.

Question: So now you start this podcast called The Deal. Explain to me what is the concept of The Deal?

Danny: The concept of The Deal is to get life lessons and advice from the world’s most successful people so I can pass it on to other people.

Question: So does this indicate that you believe we are living in an interesting time where wisdom is not being passed down to the same degree it once was?

Danny: I think there is a lack of personal human connection or mentorship in the work and business place. The social media bolstered world we live in has diluted that and I think it is very important to broadcast real information and real wisdom with real people.

Question: What have you found in common with the super successful people, one or two traits?

Danny: That is a very good question and gets to the core of what I’m trying to extract. The most common things I’ve see so far are persistence to what their doing, tenacity, passion for what they’re doing, and mental toughness to handle bosses and rejection. They keep pushing through and getting up, they keep battling. That seems to be the common thread with people across industries.

Question: Here is what I hope to be an interesting question: do you think hosting this podcast has helped you become a better realtor?

Danny: Absolutely, 100%.

Question: Why is that my friend?

Danny: It is my job to give advice and insight to my clients and add value any way I can and sometimes it’s these tid bits of information that come from a book or conversation I’ve had with people that I’m able to distribute out to my clients.

Question: What is it that you hope to accomplish with the podcast long term? What is that a year or two from now you hope to accomplish?

Danny: That is a really good question. Right now we are being downloaded by 30 states and 22 countries. Id like to be downloaded in all 50 states and 100 countries and I’d like to reach as many people as possible and reach as many people as we can along the way.

Question: Has the reaction from listeners been surprising to you?

Danny: Not really. The reaction has been positive and that is what we were hoping for. We are pleasantly surprised that the feedback we have gotten has been overwhelmingly positive and that is refreshing and comforting and give a vote of confidence.

Question: Now how will someone who has never heard your show best hear it? What is the best way?

Danny: They can watch video interviews on YouTube.

Question: That is very important. You not only do a podcast but also do video version as well is that true?

Danny: Correct. We record video and audio for every episode and you can find the video version on YouTube at The Deal with Danny Brown or you can find the audio anywhere you can stream a podcast, like iTunes, Spotify, Mixer, Google Play, etc. …..

Question: I really commend what you’re doing, and it is very interesting. You taking on this new assignment is commendable. So, thank you for taking the time to talk to me.

Danny: Thank you for taking the time to talk I appreciate it.



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