American Experts with Power Attorney Sean Mireskandari:

By Aurora DeRose
7 min readFeb 22, 2020


By: Aurora DeRose, PhD

Sean Mireskandari — Attorney

Q: You have been considered by many insiders, American Generals and top intelligence people to be a foreign policy expert in the most important area of what is really going on in Iran and you know this territory very, very well. In fact, many prominent Americans, foreign policy, intelligence, and military people rely on your advice and counsel. So let me start by asking you, in the span of your life how did you become so integrated into the real truth in the very murky situation for the last 40 years in Iran?

A: I was born in Iran, and I was sent to England when I was 6 years old and attended boarding school in England until I finished high school. Then I came to America, and I went to university here.

Q: And your father was a very prominent Iranian?

A: My grandfather. He was in charge of the Royal Courts. He was the lawyer of most of the Royal Family and was unfortunately murdered by the regime after the Revolution in 1979 because he refused to obey the Revolutionary Courts order to provide information on the business’ of the Royal Family and who they did business with. He knew the minute he gave names they would all be arrested and executed. So, he was murdered for that reason.

Q: And this was happening during the very famous time of the American-Iranian hostage situation?

A: That is absolutely correct. My mother was also one of the greatest singers. She sang over 2,000 songs and was one of the favorites in the Royal Courts. She was very politically active and all her life she fought for women’s rights. My grandfather was a lawyer and my father is a lawyer and currently alive, and I became a lawyer. Through my practice in Europe, I was lucky enough to become a lawyer for the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia with Senior Officials including the Russian government, the Moroccan government, and I did some work with the Iranian government. I did various work in all parts in many different countries from Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and France. I did one of the largest cases in France which involved the Iranian government. I have an extensive background and knowledge of how the system works in Saudi, Russia, Iran, and Dubai where the Islamic Republic tends to reach out to.

Q: Let’s talk about if we may, the current situation. For the last 40 years, the relationship between the United States and Iran has been extremely tense, tentative, and strained. Of course, in the background in the last few years has been the prospect of Iran getting nuclear weapons, which would be extremely disturbing to the world and destabilizing to the region. I want to understand now in the context of this most recent American effort to kill General Soleymani. Now, you possess a concern as a very, very experienced insider that this action on America’s part, which I presume you applauded, could lead to a very destabilization to the region. Can you talk about that?

A: Yes. First of all, a lot of people don’t know the truth about Soleymani. Soleymani was a mass murderer. He was sick, executed young children, and he was famous for using a drill to kill people by drilling them in the head. This man hated America and hated Israel, basically, he hated everyone. He was an uneducated and violent man who came from a very, very poor and uneducated family. He was probably the biggest mass murderer in the world.

Q: Not only is there an emphasis on the murdering, but also torturing.

A: Oh yeah. He tortured young children and believed anyone who was gay should be executed no matter what age they are. This man organized and orchestrated the killing and maiming of thousands of brave American soldiers. What sickens me is that many countries, especially European, that emphasize they created a human rights courts, turn a blind eye to the murderous activities that took place in England, Germany, France, Greece, and Holland. He had people assassinated everywhere, and they turned a blind eye because they wanted their oil contract.

Q: So one thing that we must understand that you can teach the world, is that the world tends to be more than significantly immoral in the face of money and petroleum.

A: Here you have a country for 40 years saying “let’s wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.” I think it is sickening. But the world stood by and said nothing for 40 years.

Q: Now prophecy is a dubious business. But I want you to use your wisdom, skill, and experience to tell us what is likely to happen and what warnings do you have for America and the civil world generally.

A: You have to go back a bit and look at the world allowing this regime to get away with literally murder. They have caused the deaths of several million people. They have murdered young boys and girls under the age of 15. 2 years ago, they wiped out a village in Balochistan. All the men in the village were executed. Looking at that is like having a cancer. What do you give the patient for cancer? Do you give the patient an Aspirin and hopefully it will get better? Or do you attack that cancer and get rid of it once and for all? This regime was built on lies, deceit, dishonesty, murder, rape, and probably some of the most violent acts in history.

Q: It ruled in terror. I think you are trying to teach people the reason it remains in power is because of its terror to the people in its country. In other words, people are scared to uprise because the penalty is certain death.

A: Well, it is two things. It is also because they have no support. Obama lied to the Iranian people in 2009. This regime was collapsing. If it collapsed, any new regime wanted freedom, democracy, and no nuclear weapons. What Obama did was write a letter to the supreme leader saying do whatever you want to do as it is an internal issue. After that, the supreme leader ordered the killings of thousands, arrests, and rapes. He even killed a Revolutionary General because he was out on the street. All because Obama wanted the nuclear deal. If he had just given hope to those people, that regime would have collapsed. We know that many of the leaders have packed up their planes and were ready to go, but Obama gave them a get out of jail free card. They continued to attack them in all of this.

Q: I wanted to ask you this just in a matter of prophecy, 5 years from now, what is the likelihood that this regime will remain in power and control, according to you?

A: It is actually quite simple, contrary to belief. In about 5 years’ time, the Iranian economy will be a trillion-dollar economy. If it becomes a trillion-dollar economy, you will never remove this regime. They will get older, more arrogant, and commit more atrocities around the world. I will remind you of the synagogue in Argentina that they blew up. That was a case that I was personally involved in. So what you have to look at is this, if you take out this regime, which you must, they will get a nuclear weapon and they will use it. There is that famous tape in the Iran-Iraq war of the person who is begging his Generals to get a nuclear bomb so he can drop it on the Iraqi people. What was Iraq? It was a mainly Shiite Muslim country that gave him safe haven for many years. Yet he is willing to drop an atomic bomb on them, which without a shadow of a doubt would have contaminated the oil in the Middle East, which would have then contaminated the world. There is only one answer and that is that the world has to come together and get rid of this cancer once and for all. It is my belief that they will remain forever, and they are at the moment in the weakest possible position in 40 years. Don’t listen to their rhetoric. They are scared of America, petrified of Donald Trump and thought that within 4 years he would be removed. All they believed was they have to keep themselves alive for 4 more years, and the Democrats will come in and make a new deal and survive forever. There are 2 presidents in the history of America that caused Islamic terrorism. The first was Jimmy Carter who helped Iran against the greatest ally America had. Then you have Obama who actually did the most despicable thing. First, support them with money, and second, supported the Muslim Brotherhood. As you saw, he went to Egypt and gave a speech at the University of Cairo supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, who are terrorists. The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the biggest terrorist groups, and the Egyptian people themselves in a short time kicked out Morsi because he was a terrorist. They put him in prison and he subsequently died in prison.



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